Tuesday, July 23, 2024

What is my citizen?

1: my great grandpa was born in ETHIOPIA 🇪🇹 
2: He married from BOSTWANA 🇧🇼 
3: migrated to ANGOLA 🇦🇴 
4: Due to challenges he moved to ALGERIA 🇩🇿 
5: They welcomed their first son in BENIN 🇧🇯 
6: he married second wife in BURKINA FASO 🇧🇫 
7:he was a warrior later invited in BURUNDI 🇧🇮 
8:But the wàr end up in CAMEROON 🇨🇲 
9:End up having a friend from CAPE VERDE 🇨🇻 
10: They both went for a trip to "CAR 🇨🇫 
11:Later he moved his family to CHAD 🇹🇩 
12:And my grandpa was born in COMOROS 🇰🇲 
13:his little brother later born, COTE D'IVOIRE 🇨🇮 
14: my grandpa was raised in, UGANDA
15:And he attend a school in DR CONGO 🇨🇩 
16:He pursue his education in DJIBOUTI 🇩🇯 
17: he got his master's ingeenier in EGYPT 🇪🇬 
18:his first job in Air MOROCCO 🇲🇦 
19:Their first transit in EQUATORIAL GUINEA 
20:They second transited in ERITREA 🇪🇷 
21:Their last station was GABON 🇬🇦 
22:Later went for a vacation in GAMBIA 🇬🇲 
23:He meet a lady from GHANA 🇬🇭 
24: They end up married in GUINEA 🇬🇳 
25: But she's a Graduate from KENYA 🇰🇪 
26:Her mother lives GUINEA BISSAU 🇬🇼 
27: They Both decided to live in LESOTHO 🇱🇸 
30: they went for a trip to LIBERIA 🇱🇷 
31:He called up for a new job in LIBYA 🇱🇾 
32:But heard about a vacancy in MALAWI 🇲🇼 
33:but he turned down all for one in MALI
34:His Assistance from MADAGASCAR 🇲🇬 
35: He made a new friend MAURITANIA 🇲🇷 
36: He was transferred to MAURITIUS 🇲🇺 
37:But not fit, he tried one in MOZAMBIQUE 🇲🇿 
38:End up making new home in NAMIBIA 🇳🇦 
39:They makes plans to visit NIGER 🇳🇪 
40: They were offered a job In NIGERIA 🇳🇬 
41:She went for a medical in RWANDA 🇷🇼 
42:she used An Air bus from ZAMBIA 🇿🇲 
43:Later gave birth to myfarther in SUDAN 🇸🇩 
44:they divorce,grandpa went SEYCHELLES 🇸🇨 
45:And she Went SENEGAL 🇸🇳 
46:She got married again in SOMALIA 🇸🇴 
47:He got married in South Africa 🇿🇦 
48: my father did nusery in SOMALILAND 
49:He went to his Aunt in SWAZILAND 🇸🇿 
50:He went to see wild life in TANZANIA 🇹🇿 
52 : he married from UGANDA 🇺🇬 
53:she's graduate from ZIMBABWE 🇿🇼 
54:I was born in SIERRA LEONE 🇸🇱 

So no Blàck man is f0reigner in Africa
We are ○ne

Cc: Kly Mohamedd Ali

Gúys let's gèt óur YóuTube chánnel (ÝT: Histórical Africa) to 3OOķ súbscribers. Kindly cliçk on the linķ to súbscribe https://youtube.com/c/HistoricalAfrica

Original Cinese assumed were black peoples

9These are African Chinese known as the Jomon people and it is assumed that the original inhabitants of China were black. 🤔It is said they arrived 100,000 years ago and were still living in the country during the Qing Dynasty. 

It is also believed that at about 35,000 BC some of these people took this route and entered Japan. 🤔They became the first humans to inhabit the Japanese Islands. 

Later another group known as the Ainu followed. Today their genes can still be found in 40% of modern Japanese as well as Mongolians and Tibetans.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


STEVANUS MARIA LETSOIN yang dikenal dengan STEVEN LETSOIN dan pimpinan BLACK SWEET, lahir di ‘kampung TERI’, Pulau ‘Kimaam’ (Merauke) tahun 1954 dimana orang tuanya bertugas sebagai guru disana. Di awal tahun 70an, merantau ke Fak-Fak sampai menyelesaikan pendidikan SPG disana. Di Fak-Fak pula beliau mulai bermain musik sebagai pemain Bass. Sebenarnya beliau sudah mendapatkan tempat tugas sebagai guru di Agimuga tetapi tahun 1977 berangkat ke Merauke dan tertahan disana. Di Merauke mulai bermain di Band The Mars sebagai gitaris dan juga vocalis. Album perdana BB yang baru saja keluar saat itu, beliau yang menyanyikannya di band. Hanya setahun di Merauke, berangkat ke Jayapura dan kuliah di UNCEN lalu bergabung di band UNCEN bersama Eddy Pattipeiluhu, Robby Manengkey dan Yan Ulukyanan, juga di Band BPD Irian Jaya. Setelah Harry Letsoin & John Keff datang dan bergabung, mereka bermain di Band KODAM XVII Cenderawasih sampai berangkat di Jakarta dan dikenal dengan nama Black Sweet. Lagu-lagu ciptaannya sangat melekat dengan musik Black Sweet dan menjadi hits, seperti: Rintihan Sebuah Hati, Mutiara Yang Ku Sayang, Sahabatku Sayangku (1&2), Lembaran Kisah Lalu, Akhir Sebuah Kisah, Memory 3 February, Badai Di Awal Kebahagiaan, Hati yang Sedih, Kesangsian Sebuah Hati, Mengapa Harus Terjadi, Everlasting Love, Just You And Me dll. (Rest In Peace, Uncle Steven) 🙏❤️️ (Dommy Gabriel Fofied)...


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Nasehat Mike Tyson kepada Anaknya: Jangan Menjadi Petinju

Mike Tyson

“Putra tertua saya yang berusia 16 tahun berkata bahwa dia ingin menjadi petinju profesional. Tapi sampai di situ, saya katakan: kamu konyol! Kamu bersekolah di sekolah swasta, kamu tidak bisa menjadi petinju! Kamu sudah jalan-jalan ke Eropa, kamu sudah berkeliling dunia. Kau tidak akan bisa menjadi petarung dengan semua itu. Kamu mau bertarung dengan orang seperti aku? Berkelahi dengan binatang buas? 

Saya tidak ingin anak-anak saya seperti itu, itu menurunkan martabat. Jika anda ingin menjadi petinju, anda melakukannya saat anda tidak punya apa-apa. Butuh banyak pengorbanan, rasa sakit dan penderitaan. Saya menerima pukulan-pukulan agar anak-anak saya tidak perlu seperti saya. Ketika saya melihat anak-anak saya, saya melihat anak-anak kelas menengah, yang pergi ke sekolah, bebas melakukan apa yang mereka mau. Menjadi petinju berarti harus menjadi yang terbaik, mendominasi semua orang.

Saya tidak mau memberikan tekanan seperti itu pada mereka."

Friday, July 12, 2024

People called Mary McLeod Bethune "The First Lady of The Struggle."

People called Mary McLeod Bethune "The First Lady of The Struggle." The struggle being improving life for African Americans.

Born in 1875 in a small cabin close to Mayesville, South Carolina, Mary was the fifteenth of seventeen children of parents who had been enslaved.

From a young age, Mary was inspired to learn. With encouragement from her parents, she'd walk five miles a day to attend the mission school nearby. The experience set a foundation for her life. "The whole world opened to me when I learned to read," Mary would say.

For Mary, her love for learning evolved into a profession of teaching. And after some years of being a teacher, Mary opened the Daytona Literary and Industrial Training Institute for Negro Girls in 1904. The initial class of six students learned from a curriculum that began at 5:30am with Bible study and continued throughout the day with a focus on self-sufficiency skills development until the school day ended at 9pm. And with sparse financial resources, as Mary started the Institute with only $1.50, amongst a number of cost-saving initiatives, students made pencils from burned wood and ink from elderberry juice. But within a couple of years, the number of students attending grew to two hundred and fifty.

Mary had a motto for life: "not for myself, but for others." Following this creed, she dedicated herself to many initiatives throughout life. Amongst educating young students, she opened a hospital and training programs for nurses, took an active role in politics, where she held a number of positions, including Director of Negro Affairs at the National Youth Administration, and helped integrate organizations such as the Red Cross.

Mary passed away in 1955. In her Last Will and Testament, she wrote nine maxims - "I leave you to love. I leave you to hope. I leave you the challenge of developing confidence in one another. I leave you a thirst for education. I leave you a respect for the use of power. I leave your faith.

Ignatius Sancho was born in 1729 on a slave ship bound for the Caribbean

Orphaned at the age of two, he was taken to Britain where he was given to three sisters in Greenwich. A chance meeting with the Duke of Montagu (1690-1749) changed the young Sancho’s life. Montagu was taken by the child’s intelligence, and encouraged his education. After Montagu’s death in 1749, Sancho persuaded his widow to take him away from his mistresses, and she hired him as a butler.

With the support of the Montagu family, Sancho established a grocery in Westminster (ironically selling slave-produced commodities). His wealth and property secured him the vote.

Sancho moved in, and corresponded with, a wide and influential social circle of nobles, actors, writers, artists and politicians. He was a supporter and patron of the arts, as well as being a composer in his own right. Sancho died in December 1780, and was the first African in Britain to receive an obituary.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

This is Princess Sophie Charlotte

This is Princess Sophie Charlotte, born in 1744. She was the first Blàck Queen of England, married to King George III. She reigned during the American revòlution and was Queen of the 13 original colonies before they won independence. In fact Charlotte, North Carolina is named in her honor. Between, Queen Charlotte is the great great grandmother of Elizabeth II and the great, great, great, great grandmother of Prince William’s (next to be King after Charles) young daughter, Charlotte. Yes, there is African blòòd in the Britìsh Ròyal fàmily. I ùrge you to rèad “The Journey of Man.” Scièntists using DNA say they can pròve ALL HÙMAN LIFÊ begàn in Africà! Yup, gò back far enòugh and yòu’re Blàck!)

#queencharlotte #Netflix 

Gúys let's gèt óur YóuTube chánnel (ÝT: Histórical Africa) to 3OOķ súbscribers. Kindly cliçk on the linķ to súbscribe https://youtube.com/c/HistoricalAfrica

Monday, July 8, 2024


 Bob Marley adalah lebih dari sekedar seorang musisi; dia adalah simbol perjuangan, kebebasan, dan cinta yang melampaui batasan waktu dan ruang. Lahir di pedesaan St. Ann, Jamaika, Marley tumbuh menjadi ikon global yang menyuarakan pesan perdamaian, persatuan, dan keadilan melalui irama reggae yang memukau dan lirik yang mendalam.

Musik Marley adalah cerminan dari pengalaman hidupnya dan perjuangan rakyatnya. Dia menggunakan irama reggae yang kaya dan harmonis untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan yang kuat tentang ketidakadilan sosial, penindasan, dan penderitaan yang dialami oleh orang-orang yang terpinggirkan. Dengan lagu-lagu seperti Get Up, Stand Up, Redemption Song, dan One Love, Marley memobilisasi jutaan orang di seluruh dunia untuk berdiri melawan penindasan dan memperjuangkan hak-hak mereka.

Namun, di balik aktivisme dan protes, ada sisi lain dari Marley yang penuh dengan cinta dan harapan. Lirik-liriknya yang penuh dengan kebijaksanaan dan spiritualitas mengingatkan kita akan pentingnya cinta dan perdamaian dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Dia percaya bahwa musik bisa menjadi kekuatan yang menyatukan, yang mampu melampaui perbedaan ras, agama, dan budaya.

Bob Marley juga mengajarkan kita tentang kekuatan memaafkan dan menerima. Dalam lagu One Love, dia berbicara tentang pentingnya bersatu dan hidup dalam harmoni, mengajak kita untuk meninggalkan kebencian dan perpecahan. Pesannya adalah pengingat bahwa, meskipun dunia ini penuh dengan ketidakadilan dan penderitaan, kita masih bisa memilih untuk merespons dengan cinta dan kebaikan.

Warisan Marley tidak hanya terbatas pada musiknya; dia juga menjadi simbol budaya Rastafari, yang menekankan pentingnya kembali ke akar spiritual dan hidup selaras dengan alam. Melalui kehidupannya dan ajarannya, Marley menginspirasi banyak orang untuk mencari makna yang lebih dalam. 

Bob Marley adalah bukti bahwa musik bisa menjadi alat yang kuat untuk perubahan sosial dan spiritual. Melalui irama dan liriknya, dia menyentuh hati jutaan orang dan menginspirasi mereka untuk berjuang demi dunia yang lebih baik. Meskipun Marley telah pergi, suaranya tetap hidup, menggema melalui setiap nada dan lirik yang dia ciptakan. Dalam setiap lagu, kita menemukan pesan tentang cinta, kebebasan, dan persatuan yang tetap relevan hingga hari ini.

Sebagai legenda musik, Bob Marley mengingatkan kita akan kekuatan musik untuk menyatukan, menyembuhkan, dan menginspirasi. Dia adalah suara kebebasan yang abadi, dan melalui warisannya, dia terus mempengaruhi dan menginspirasi generasi demi generasi untuk bangkit, berdiri, dan mencintai.

BOGOR 7 JULI 2024 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Beverly Loraine Greene, the first Black woman architect in the United States

Beverly Loraine Greene, the first Black woman architect in the United States, was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 4, 1915. She grew up in Chicago and was raised by her father, James A. Greene, a lawyer, and her mother, Vera Greene, a homemaker. Greene earned a Bachelor of Science degree in architectural engineering from the University of Illinois in 1936. One year later she earned a Master's of Science degree in city planning and housing from the same university. On December 28, 1942, at the age of twenty-seven, Greene was registered in the State of Illinois as an architect.

After completing the second degree, Greene returned to her hometown and initially worked for the Chicago Housing Authority. Greene was one of the first African Americans in the agency. Despite her education and her official recognition as an architect, Greene found it difficult to obtain jobs in the profession.

She moved to New York City in 1945 to work on the planned Stuyvesant Town private housing project in lower Manhattan being built by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Given her past experiences, and the Company's prior announcement that African Americans would not be allowed to live in Stuyvesant Town, Greene believed she would not be hired. She applied anyway and to her surprise she was the first architect employed on the project. Greene quit however to accept a scholarship at Columbia University where she would study urban planning. She received a Master's Degree in Architecture from Columbia on June 5, 1945.

Greene went on to work for a number of notable architectural firms. Her employers during that period included the architectural firm headed by Isadore Rosefield which specialized in health care and hospital design. She also worked with Edward Durell Stone on the arts complex at Sarah Lawrence College and in 1952 on a theater at the University of Arkansas. During her time with the architectural firm headed by Marcel Breuer she worked on the UNESCO United Nations headquarters in Paris, France which was completed in 1958. Her next projects included buildings at New York University (NYU) which were completed between 1956 and 1961. Greene never saw most of the buildings at NYU she helped design.

Beverly Greene died on August 22, 1957 at age forty-one in New York City. Ironically she had also designed the Unity Funeral Home, the building in which her memorial service was held.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Suku-Suku Koteka Potong Jari untuk Mengekspresikan Kesedihan

Suku Lani, Mee, Walak, Moni yang pada umumnya disebut syku-suku Koteka adalah kelompok etnis yang mendiami Papua Tengah .

Suku-Suku Koteka tersebut secara tradisi mereka 𝑷𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒋𝒂𝒓𝒊. tradisi ini di lakukan jika  di antara keluarga  Bapa, Mama, kakak, atau  adik di antara keluarga dari suku tersebut yang meninggal dunia, maka akan di lakukan tradisi tersebut.

Begitu pula  dengan  suku suku  yang  lain  di  pengunungan  Wesr Papua. Berbagai  suku yang mendiami di darah itupun demikian walau tidak semua.

Tradisi ini sudah mulai punah, hanaya sedikit individu yang masih menggunakan tradisi ini sejak leluhur hingga sekaran.🙏

Bunani adalah agama yang sesungguhnya

Bunani adalah agama yang sesungguhnya kenapa awal sejarah agama agama yang baru masuk dalam erah baru itu di katakan budaya orang asing Yunani alasan untuk eropa Masuk di kepulauan Papua dan Mereka Masuk menguasai tanah Papua dan merak masuk dengan agama itu sebut degan segala macam cara untuk menguasai tanah Papua dengan cara yang pertama mereka Masuk Portugis itu mereka Masuk menguasai degan pendekatan dengan agama atau di sebut dengan budayanya Yunani 

Kita liat dan melihat secara langsung maupun sudah sebelum masuk dengan Portugis itu Agam itu lah di sebut dengan budaya atau Agam itu lah di namakan bunani  
Sepuluh perta gereja itu juga sudah ada dalam budaya juga bunani mengangkat Teteng segalan macam larangan dalam dalam kedupan atau budaya dan bunai punya sepu perintah larangan 
 Maka itu saya rasakan dan mendengar lasung secara umum sama apa beden Agam dan budaya

( 1 Oma dah 
(2 mewagi dah
(3 puya wegagi dah
(4 mee Waka yabuki dah
(5 puya mana wegagi dah
(6 kibigi dimi dah
(7 mee debah dah 
( 8 mogi tetai mee wagei tetai
(9 mee Bebe dimi dah 
(10 puya dimi Bebe dim gai dah
Sepuluh perintah gereja dan 
Maka itu apa perbedaan agama di an budaya 
Maka itu saya sampaikan kepada seluruh masyarakat Papua peduli Gale kembali budaya budaya setiap susuk yg ada di Papua
Salam satu kata anak bunai

Semua Orang

Chief Kondom Agaundo from the Narku tribe in Simbu Province

Photo below is of Chief Kondom Agaundo from the Narku tribe in Simbu Province. His famous speach to an audience in Canberra (Australia) in 1963 is as follows:

"In my village I am chief of my people but today I stand in front of you like a child. When I speak in your language, you laugh at the way I speak. But tomorrow, my son will come to you and he will speak to you in your language, and this time, you will NOT laugh at him."

(Extracts from an article written by Mr Mathias Kin)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Dr. Cheikh Abta DiopAf4i

According to Senegalese historian Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, the ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan, which means "mother of mankind" or "garden of Eden". The name was used by the Moors, Nubians, Ethiopians, and other indigenous people.

The name Africa was given to the continent by the ancient Romans and Greeks. Some experts believe that the name Africa comes from two Phoenician words, "friqi" and "pharika", which translate to "corn" and "fruit".
The word "Africa" came into existence in the late 17th century. Initially, it only referred to the northern part of the continent. Around that time, the continent had been colonized, and the Europeans ruled over its people as slaves. They influenced the change of identity from Alkebulan to its present name.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


The original inhabitants of the Kenyan capital Nairobi and central Highlands were the Athi, Gumba and Yaaku people who are largely now extinct (see photo)

This was due to the Aborigines intermarriage, assimilation and absorption with the immigrant Bantu from West Africa and the Maasai from Sudan (1000 BC-1AD). 

In turn, the Bantu-present day Kĩkũyũ, Embu and Meru people-and Maasai were violently displaced by British colonialists in 1902, as the Europeans preferred the cool climate of the region for settlement.

📷; Ancient African History

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cedella Booker was the mother to Bob Marley

She was born Cedilla Editha Malcolm in Rhoden Hall (July 23, 1926), Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, daughter of Albertha Whilby and Omeriah Malcolm, a farmer, "bush doctor", and one of the most respected residents of Nine Mile. Her paternal grandfather was Robert "Uncle Day" Malcolm, who descended from the Coromantee (or Akan) slaves shipped to Jamaica from the Gold Coast, today known as Ghana, in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Cedella Malcolm married Norval Sinclair Marley, a white Jamaican of English and rumored Syrian Jewish descent, whose father's family came from England; the family of his mother, Ellen Marley (née Bloomfield), came from the Levant. She became pregnant with his son, Robert Nesta (whose second given name "Nesta" means "wise messenger"). Norval Marley was an officer as well as the plantation overseer. His family applied constant pressure, however, and although he provided financial support for them, the Captain seldom saw his wife and son. Bob Marley was ten years old when Norval died of a heart attack in 1955 at age 70. Cedella and Bob then moved to Trenchtown, a slum neighborhood in Kingston. This was the only place Booker could afford to live at the time, being a young woman moving from the country to the big city on her own.

While living in Trenchtown, Booker gave birth to a daughter, Claudette Pearl, with Taddeus Livingston, the father of BUNNY WAILER, who formed the original Wailers (The Wailers) trio with Bob Marley and Peter Tosh in 1963. She then married Edward Booker, an American civil servant, and resided first in Delaware, where she gave birth to two more sons, Richard and Anthony, with Booker. After Edward Booker's death in 1976, Cedella moved to Miami, Florida, where she was present at the deathbed of her famous son, who died from cancer in 1981. In 1990, Anthony was killed in a shootout with Miami police, after walking through a shopping mall with a 12 ga. shotgun and opening fire on responding police. Booker lived in Miami for the remainder of her life. She is survived by her son Richard Booker and his children Princess Booker, Crystal Booker and Zaya Booker.

In 1993, Booker conceived and created what is today called the 9 Mile Music Festival, an annual music event held every year since in Miami to help keep alive Bob Marley's message of peace, love, and unity. As part of the admission fee to the one-day music festival, attendees bring canned goods that are collected and donated to help feed the needy in the Miami area through various local charities.

Called "the keeper of the flame," Booker grew voluminous dreadlocks, adopted her grandson Rohan Marley, Bob Marley's son by Janet Hunt, and occasionally performed live with Marley's children, Sharon Marley, Ky-Mani Marley, Ziggy Marley, Cedella Marley, Stephen Marley, Damian Marley and Julian Marley. Later, she released the albums Awake Zion and Smilin' Island of Song. Cedella Booker participated in the festivities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, commemorating Marley's 60th birthday in 2005. She also wrote two Marley biographies.

Booker died in her sleep from natural causes in Miami on April 8, 2008; she was 81.


Saturday, January 6, 2024


NUBUAT Nabi . IZAAK SAMUEL KIJNE dan NUBUAT Pemimpin toko Papua . Almrhm Bpk LUKAS : Enembe , S. IP, MH .

     NUBUAT Perjanjian Nabi IZAAK SAMUEL KIJNE selaku tokoh Pendidik Orang Pribumi di atas Tanah West Papua , akan telah tibah di NUBUAT Perjanjian Pemimpin tokoh Orang Papua Almrhm Bpk . LUKAS : ENEMBE , S.IP,MH . tentang seutuh Tanah Papua .

     NUBUAT Perjanjian Nabi IZAAK SAMUEL KIJNE dari 25-Oktober-1925 di Wondama akan meletakan bahwa :

     Di atas Batu ini saya meletakan Peradaban bagi Orang Papua , sekalipun Orang lain memiliki kepandaian tinggi akal Budi dan Marifat tetapi :
     Tidak akan dapat memimpin Bangsa Papua ini , melainkan Bangsa Papua ini akan bangkit dan memimpin dirinya sendiri , 
Wondama . 25-Oktober-1925 .

     NUBUAT Perjanjian Pemimpin tokoh Orang Papua , Almrhm Bpk LUKAS : ENEMBE , S.IP , MH dari 08-Maret-2017 dari Kampung Harapan Holandia akan mengatakan bahwa :

     " Saya sebagai Pejabat GUBERNUR Orang GUNUNG yang paling pertama dan terakhir , tanda sebagai Pejabat GUBERNUR terakhir bagi Orang Indonesia yang berdomisili di atas Tanah Papua ini ,
Kampung Harapan di Holandia. 08-Maret-2017 .

     Maka NUBUAT PERJANJIAN kedua Pemimpin tokoh bagi Orang Papua dari Izaak Samuel Kijne dan Almrhm Bpk . Lukas : Enembe , S . IP, MH akan telah tibah di Tahun 2024 sedang berlangsung ini .

     NUBUAT Perjanjian sangat tidak pernah ke-gagalan di mana-mana , maka itu kami Orang Papua selaku pemilik hak Ulayat Bangsa West Papua akan wajib sadar dan jadilah berjiwa Nasionalisme Kemerdekaan bagi Bangsa West Papua di jalur '/, Urat Politik Perjuangan ULMWP '/, PEMERINTAH SEMENTARA sedang berlangsung ini .

     Kata terakhir Lukas : Enembe , S.IP , MH ;

Bagi Orang Papua sangat tidak ada harapan bersama Orang Indonesian di atas Tanah Papua ini .